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Expense Dashboard and Waterfall Analysis versus Budget and Month over Month
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 3 ( < 1 of 3 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. Tab 1 shows a Actual versus Budget Dashboard to track Expenses for the period or Year to Date. Tab 2 shows an Expense Waterfall or Bridge Analysis Month over Month and Tab 3 shows the same but versus Budget.
Expense & Revenue Trend: Analytics by Expense and Revenue Stream
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 5 ( < 1 of 5 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. Each tab represents a visual historical line chart, Revenue or Expense, that leverages Power BI's built-in predictive forecasting models using exponential smoothing to automatically detect seasonality in the data to provide forecast results from a series of data.
Finance 1: Financial KPIs - M1
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 4 ( < 1 of 4 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. On tabs 1 through 4 there are cross-functional company Filters, Slicers, and Dropdowns, as well as a date Between selection bar. Scrolling with the X-axis is also available on tab 4 GM % Dashboard.
Finance 2: Financial Analytics by Geography - M1
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 5 ( < 1 of 5 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. On tabs 1 through 5 there are cross-functional Region & Country Filters, Slicers and Dropdowns, as well as Selection buttons for COGs and SG&A account. The Maps on tabs 3 & 4 can be zoomed into for better viewing with your mouse scroll wheel.
Finance 3: DSO Analytics
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there is a Company Division selection button and a Scenario analysis input and scroll button to project DSO based on a percentage of AR decrease.
Finance 4: AR Dashboard by Geography & Company
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 2 ( < 1 of 2 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. On tabs 1 and 2 there are cross-functional Company & Country selection buttons.
Ops: Accident Analytics
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 2 ( < 1 of 2 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. On tabs 1 and 2 there are cross-functional County selection buttons.
Ops: Loan Operation Performance Analysis
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 4 ( < 1 of 4 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. On tabs 1 through 4 there are cross-functional Industry, Loan Processor and Date Filters, Slicers and selection Dropdowns.
Ops: Overtime & Travel Time Analysis
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 2 ( < 1 of 2 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. On tabs 1 and 2 there are Cost Center, Role/Title, Employee and Date Filter Dropdowns.
Ops: Traffic Flow and GIS Maps in Power BI
*Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there is an interactive Supply Chain Center Filter. The Map on tab 1 will automatically adjust based on the selection and can be zoomed into for better viewing with your mouse scroll wheel. The ArcGIS Map on Tab 2 is not currently supported for viewing on a third-party website; however, it is viewable directly on the Power BI service site.
Ops: Vehicle Fuel Usage Analysis
Within this Live Power BI Dashboard there are multiple tabs, all accessible scrolling 1 through 4 ( < 1 of 4 > ) using the buttons at the bottom. On tabs 1 through 4 there are cross-functional Vehicle Year, Assets Type and Vehicle Make selection Buttons. On tab 4 there is a cross-function Employee name and Period filter dropdown.
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